Snickerdoodle Cookie

This is not just any Snickerdoodle recipe, this is my Grandma’s special recipe.

It’s special because she put an extra dash of love into every single cookie when she made this recipe. I don’t know if I put the same amount of love into the cookies, but I know she was with me every step of the baking process.


When I released Her Snickerdoodle (Man Card Book 14), several people asked me about a Snickerdoodle cookie. So, here it is! The best way to describe the cookie in my opinion- it’s a cross between a sugar cookie and a buttery cookie. Each bite is packed full of cinnamon happiness.

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This recipe is easy to make. Like, really, really easy to make. Which in some ways is probably dangerous. Hubby and did share some of the cookies with a few friends, but we may or may not have devoured the rest. When the container was empty we both wanted more. See why putting the recipe in the “easy to make” category is dangerous.

Now, if you’ve been following me on social or reading my newsletter for a while, then you know I try to follow the keto diet (low carb). Try being the keyword. I made following the diet harder when I whipped up this cookie favorite.

So, we have a new feature for the blog. I plan to make the recipes we know and love. Then mix up a low-carb version. A perfect way for hubby and I to devour more cookies with less guilt. Plus, I wanted to provide recipes for almost everyone!

Are you ready to cozy up with a book and devour more than one cookie?

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Snickerdoodle Cookies

Recipe by my Grandma

Prep: 10-15 minutes

Cook: 8-10 minutes

Makes: 38 cookies 


1 cup butter flavored shortening

1 ½ cups white sugar

2 eggs

2 ¾ cups all-purpose flour

2 tsp cream of tartar

1 tsp baking soda

½ tsp salt

2 Tbsp sugar

2 tsp cinnamon


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease the baking sheet or use silpat (or parchment paper). 

In a medium bowl- mix together shortening, sugar, and eggs.

In a small bowl- mix together flour, cream of tartar, baking soda, and salt.

Add dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix well. Chill for about two hours or overnight.

In a small bowl, mix together sugar and cinnamon. Make walnut size balls with dough, roll one side of the ball in a cinnamon sugar mixture.  Bake for 8-10 minutes, depending on the oven. (I baked my cookies for 8 ½ minutes for a softer cookie.)

Enjoy (but warning, one is never enough).

Note: If you don’t have butter flavored shortening, use ½ cup butter and ½ cup shortening. Then you still have the delicate cookie with a delicious butter flavor.

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