My First Garden

Have you ever thought about growing your favorite vegetables in your very own garden?

I mean, it’s easy to feel the urge when you open a social media app and see everyone sharing their harvests.

The amount of vegetables you can grow at home is exciting.

Well, guess what I finally did?


My husband and I have been married for 25 years, but we’ve been together for 28 years. I think it’s possible I’ve thought about having a garden for maybe 20-23 of the 28 years. Seriously.

In the last house we lived in, I did have a small section where I could have a couple of containers and grow a few herbs. The house was surrounded by trees, so there was no way to have a full garden. Trust me, I thought about it.

So when we first saw the house we’re currently in, I was immediately in love. The owners before us had a garden. Like a garden, garden. The space has a fence around it, and it’s perfect.

I mean, there have been challenges. The biggest one is the North Carolina red clay; it’s a bitch to grow anything. Oh, and the weeds in this space are out of control.

At the end of April, I started my first garden. I attempted the Charles Dowding no-dig cardboard method. A month after planting and I had teeny tiny sprouts, and that was it. Nothing was happening.

I didn’t give up, though.

Instead, I went back to the drawing board and decided containers would be a better option this year. Next year we want to build raised beds, but for now, containers are the answer.

Look at my first garden!!!

Just this week, I noticed my first tomatoes and tomatillos were growing. Oh, and my first sunflower sprouted. I may or may not have jumped up and down from excitement.

The lettuce I grew is a cut and grow, so I’ve already had three salads. It’s such a great feeling enjoying something you grew.

Now, it’s not a fail, but it’s not a win either, LOL. I planted too many basil plants, and now I have too much basil. See, it’s not a fail, but it is tricky trying to use all the growing basil. I did discover fresh basil is delicious in salads as a second lettuce leaf.

I’m sure there are many more things I will learn over the next few months, and I will enjoy every moment. Heck, I’ve wanted this for 20+ years, so now it’s time to enjoy the moment.

Um, we need to discuss the book inspiration that is flowing through me with all this gardening. Holy cats!

Even before I had a garden, I had fun creating The Davis Family Farm in Defend My Heart (Crystal Shores Book Three). Milo and Angie first had their moment at a produce stand. When they finally get together in the book, Milo will juggle a few avocados, and they will create some awesome recipes.

The inspiration is continuing to flow now that I have a garden, and I’m happily writing Cherish My Heart (Crystal Shores Book Four). I mean, it does help that Jake works on the farm, so it just made sense to have some serious garden love.

Oh, and not only are my books going to have garden inspiration. My kitchen is going to be happy with new recipes for the blog and future cookbook. So many good things happening!

Do you like to garden or have you ever had a garden? (Share in the comments below.)

Terra Kelly

Romance author. A bit of klutz. Loves to laugh. Lettering and yoga addict.

Mini Chicken Fajitas