Gold Lovin' Chocolate Truffles


Gold and chocolate. Seems like a perfect combination.

In The Chocolatier (Man Card Book One), Weston knew exactly how to create cravings with truffles that will make any chocolate lover’s dreams very happy.

Who wants a Gold Lovin’ Chocolate Truffle?

Are you curious why I titled this blog with the two words, Gold Lovin’?

Well, I’m glad you asked. In The Chocolatier, Weston makes some special truffles for the culinary class that is covered in gold flakes. Okay, I know, I know, I don’t have gold flakes. BUT you have to admit, these gold sprinkles are pretty darn cute.

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There isn’t much to the recipe. Two ingredients and then your favorite sprinkles.

Note: I made my truffles keto friendly. In the recipe you’ll see in the notes exactly what I used.

Since I wrote the first Man Card book in April 2019 I’ve wanted to create truffles. I still plan to make Rylee’s truffle recipe. Stay tuned for those pretty little things.

Have fun making these truffles. Oh, and they would be super fun to make with your kids. They could roll each truffle in the sprinkles. I can see it now, multi-colored little pieces of chocolate heaven.

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Gold Lovin’ Chocolate Truffles

Recipe by Terra Kelly

Prep: 10-15 minutes

Inactive: 30 minutes

Makes: 12-14 truffles


½ cup heavy cream

9 oz package milk or dark chocolate chips

Sprinkles and/or nuts for topping


In a small saucepan on medium heat add heavy cream. Heat cream but do not bring it to a boil. Once the cream starts to bubble around the edges it’s ready.

Alternative: Heat cream in microwave but don’t bring it to a boil.

Place chocolate chips in a glass bowl. Add heated cream over top of chocolate chips and stir until creamy and smooth.

Place prepared chocolate ganache in a flat casserole dish or 9x9 pan and place in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

Time to roll truffles. If you have some, it is less messy to roll the truffles with gloves.

For topping: Use your favorite sprinkles. Cocoa powder. Finely chopped nuts.

Use a scoop or tablespoon and scoop out the chocolate. Roll into a ball. Then roll the prepared truffle into your favorite topping. Chill again for another 10-15 minutes.

Time to enjoy!

Note: Store in refrigerator.

Note: For my truffles they were keto friendly. I used the heavy cream but for the chocolate, I used Lily’s Milk Chocolate Chips (they are sugar-free and sweetened with stevia). To keep it keto I should have used only chopped nuts or cacao powder instead of sprinkles. The sprinkles are definitely NOT keto.

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