Toasted Coconut Almond Cookies

We pulled a special recipe from the vault, y’all!

I made these cookies several years ago when I first had my food blog.

This month we needed some healthier options and these cookies are perfect for the occasion. They’re packed with protein and have minimal sugar added. Oh, and hubby can’t stop eating them, so they are hubby approved.


When I made this recipe, I thought about which characters in my books would want to make them first. Shawna and Danny in Dance Into Love (The Winters Family Book Four) came to mind. Also, Zoe in Temptation (Fight It Out Book Three) would want to whip up a batch for her men.

Actually, there are several characters that would love this recipe. Everyone loves cookies. Even “healthier” cookies!

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This recipe is super fun and easy to make. PLUS, it’s really versatile.

When I first made the recipe way back when, it was vegan. For the new version, it’s definitely gluten-free and vegetarian friendly.

Since I like to stick to a keto diet on most occasions, I thought of how I could adjust this recipe. I would add more heavy cream and use sweetener like stevia or erythritol instead of maple syrup.

A little cookie recipe with so much power. Are you ready to try one?

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Toasted Coconut Almond Cookies

Recipe by Terra Kelly

Prep: 5-10 minutes

Cook: 8-10 minutes

Makes: 32 Cookies


½ cup maple syrup

½ cup milk (use your favorite)

1 cup almond butter

2 ¾ cup almond flour

1 tsp baking soda

½ tsp salt

½ cup unsweetened coconut, toasted


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

To toast coconut: place parchment paper or silpat on a sheet pan and add unsweetened coconut. Toast in oven for about five minutes or until golden brown. Let cool.

For cookies: spray sheet pan with cooking spray or use a silpat or parchment paper.

In a medium bowl, add maple syrup, milk, and almond butter. Stir well. Add almond flour, baking soda, salt, and toasted coconut. Stir well.

Use a tablespoon or scoop to add batter to the sheet pan. Bake cookies for 8-10 minutes, depending on the oven. Cookies will be golden brown on the bottom.


Note: Instead of maple syrup use agave nectar or honey. For the milk, I have used almond milk and heavy cream. Any milk will work.

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