Your Very Own Blueberry Crumble

Who else hates sharing their dessert? (I can see all your hands up high.)

Well, you’re in for a treat because you get your very own dessert with this recipe. Yup, that means you won’t have to share with anyone! 

It’s time to enjoy your OWN homemade crumble?


Have you started reading the Crystal Shores series yet? 

This week, I was working on book two which will release in July. We will meet a few new characters and enjoy some of the yummy businesses in the small town. One character I can’t wait for you to meet is Molly. She is a baker and makes some amazing recipes. 

I have a feeling if there was a bowl of blueberries sitting next to Molly; she would grab them and create the best recipe.

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I mentioned the Crystal Shores series because it takes place in Michigan. When I think about blueberries, I think about my home and picking blueberries with my family. 

Yes, apples are top on my list for favorite ingredients, BUT blueberries are definitely a close second. 

When I looked back at some old photos from when I ran my food blog before, there were A LOT of apple AND blueberry recipes. I guess that means you will get more blueberry recipes in the future. 

I want to share a quick note- when you see a keto recipe, I always make sure to share a variation. A recipe should be fun for EVERYONE! 

Have fun baking your very own blueberry crumble!

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Your Very Own Blueberry Crumble

Recipe by Terra Kelly

Prep: 10-15 minutes

Cook: 20-25 minutes

Makes: 4 servings


For crumble

3 Tbsp Unsweetened shredded coconut

3 Tbsp Chopped pecans

6-9 Whole walnuts

1 ½ Tbsp Coconut flour

1 ½ Tbsp Erythritol (or any sugar)

3 Tbsp Salted butter, melted

For blueberries

2 ½ cups Fresh blueberries

1 Tbsp Cornstarch (or Xanthan gum)

2 Tbsp Erythritol (or any sugar) 


Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. 

In a small bowl, add blueberries, cornstarch, and sugar. Set aside. 

In a small sauce pan over medium heat, melt the butter. Set aside.

In a food processor, add shredded coconut, pecans, walnuts, coconut flour, erythritol and chop all ingredients into small pieces. Place ingredients in a small bowl and add melted butter. Mix well.

To make the individual blueberry crumbles, add prepared blueberries to a small oven safe bowl (about 1 cup size each). Then top with the prepared crumble. 

Bake individual blueberry crumbles uncovered for 10 minutes. Then place a piece of aluminum foil over bowls for the rest of the bake to prevent the crumble from burning. 

Cook for 20-25 minutes depending on the oven. Blueberries will bubble and crumble will be golden brown.

Enjoy with some vanilla ice cream for an even better experience!

Note: When I prepared this recipe, I knew I needed it to be keto-friendly for my diet. You definitely do not need to make it keto-friendly. Use your favorite sugar and if you want, swap out coconut flour for all-purpose flour.

Terra Kelly

Romance author. A bit of klutz. Loves to laugh. Lettering and yoga addict.

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