Homemade Herbed Noodles

Is it soup season where you’re at?

What does soup season mean to you?

For me, I think about homemade chicken noodle soup. Honestly, the best part of the soup is the thick homemade noodles.

Let’s chat about chicken noodle soup…

…wait, if we discuss chicken noodle soup, we need to discuss all the things that make it so amazing.

Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. This blog is the first part of a three-part series. We are about to make homemade noodles, then we’ll make bone broth, and finally tie it all together for our delicious chicken noodle soup.

(Note: if you’re reading this at a later date all the blogs and videos will be linked below.)


Jackson in Guard My Heart makes a Spicy Ginger Chicken Soup recipe with keto-friendly noodles. The delicious noodles were an egg base and complimented the soup perfectly.

He doesn’t always make keto-friendly noodles though. Sometimes he mixes up a batch of good old-fashioned noodles because his craving for comfort food always wins. Plus, Anika loves chicken noodle soup with thick-cut homemade noodles, and well, he loves to make her happy.

Seriously though, can we all discuss how the sexy firefighter is really damn good in the kitchen? Sigh…

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I had fun with this blog series. I hope you enjoy all the comfort and love in each post.

Like we discussed earlier, there are three important steps in the cooking process. Once they’re all together, you’re going to be so excited you embarked on the journey.

This was my first time making homemade noodles and I can say, it won’t be my last. Just like anything, the more you make them, the better they’ll be.

You could maybe even mix up the flavors. Use different herbs or spices. Oh, you could maybe throw in some citrus for a little extra added fun.

Ultimately, have fun making homemade noodles for your next pot of soup.

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Homemade Herbed Pasta Noodles

Recipe by Terra Kelly

Prep: 10-20 minutes

Cook: 5-8 minutes

Makes: 4-6 servings

Note: A companion video for making the noodles here.


2 cups all-purpose flour

3 eggs

½ tsp salt

1 Tbsp avocado oil

1 Tbsp Italian seasoning

1 Tbsp cold water


Important Note: In the first step, you can use a medium bowl to mix the ingredients or follow how I added the ingredients on a clean area of your counter.

On a clean area of your counter, add flour and create a well in the center. Slowly add the next ingredients and carefully stir them with a fork. Add avocado oil, salt, and Italian seasoning. Then add a small amount of flour to mix with the ingredients. You will be moving flour from the outside of the pile into the center each time you add an ingredient. Next, add one egg at a time and move flour onto the egg, then carefully stir. After adding the last egg, you should be able to use your hands and mix everything together to start the kneading process. (See video here.)

 Work the dough together with your hands. It will be crumbly at first but as you work it together it will soften and mold together. If it still feels too dry, you could add 1 Tbsp of cold water. It’s important to add one tablespoon at a time because a little bit of water can go a long way.

Set your timer and knead the dough for 8 minutes. Then wrap the dough in plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour or up to 3-4 hours.

To make the noodles- Cut the dough into four equal parts. Roll each piece with a rolling pin until the dough is thin but NOT see-through. Now, roll the dough up into one long tube. Starting on one end of the tube, use a sharp knife, cut your noodles about a quarter inch each. Once the noodles are cut you can unroll them and stack the noodles together into a pile. Carefully grab the individual stack and lightly wrap them together to place in a pile on a sheet pan. Let them dry out for about 30 minutes to one hour. (See video here.)

To add the noodles to your soup- Add the noodles as your last ingredient and cook them for about 3-4 minutes. They don’t require a longer cook time. Depending on the soup you use, you may notice them float to the top when they are cooked through.

How to Store the Noodles- The noodles can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for only 5-7 days. They will look darker in appearance the longer they are in the refrigerator but there is nothing wrong with them. You can freeze them for up to one month.

Terra Kelly

Romance author. A bit of klutz. Loves to laugh. Lettering and yoga addict.


Chicken Bone Broth


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