Healthy Morning Muffins

This recipe is easy to make.

Super versatile.

Plus, everyone can enjoy the delicious little treat.


My first thought was to title this recipe, Vegan Morning Muffins. Then I switched it up and named them, Healthy Morning Muffins because this recipe is for everyone.

With the addition of oatmeal, it makes each muffin the perfect little snack or even a quick breakfast choice.

I know several of my characters would devour this recipe, but Charlie and Nova pop in my mind first.

Charlie in Unbroken (Fight It Out Book Two) is a snack girl. She works out hard almost daily and needs that quick pick-me-up. Plus, Nova in My Single Dad (Man Card Book Three) she loves to bake healthy treats. I bet she would have fun making this recipe for her bakery.

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Back when I had my food blog, I made A LOT of muffins. I have so many recipes stored away in the vault. Actually, this is a new variation on an old morning muffin recipe I made. This version is easier to make. The original version used fresh juice because I made the treat for Dole company.

I think Dole would still be happy with this version because it’s packed full of strawberries and blueberries.

I backed off on the sugar so you can experiment with that addition. My hubby requires more sugar in his recipes. Our palettes are so different. That’s what makes recipes so fun, right?

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Healthy Morning Muffins

Recipe by Terra Kelly

Prep: 20-25 minutes

Cook: 18-20 minutes

Serves: 36 mini muffins


½ cup quick oats (will make one cup when prepared)

1/3 cup sugar

½ cup gingerbread tea (use your favorite)(could use milk)

2 cups all-purpose flour, sifted

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp baking powder

½ tsp salt

1 cup fresh strawberries, chopped

1 cup fresh blueberries

Optional- 1/3 cup pecans, chopped (or your favorite nut)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Add muffin cups to mini muffin pan and spray each cup with cooking spray (or just spray muffin pan without muffin cups).

For oatmeal- In small saucepan over medium heat cook quick oats with one cup of water. Bring to a boil and let it cook for one minute. Turn off burner, cover and let it sit for about five minutes to thicken. Cool before adding to the muffin batter.

For tea- In small saucepan bring one cup of water to a boil. Add two tea bags and let steep for five minutes. Cool before adding to the muffin batter.

In a medium bowl, add prepared oatmeal, sugar, ½ cup prepared tea and mix well. Don’t over mix batter.

In a small bowl, sift flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder and salt.

Mix wet and dry ingredients together, add in strawberries and blueberries. Don’t over mix batter.

Fill each muffin cup to the top with batter. Bake mini muffins for 18-20 minutes or until cooked through when you check with a toothpick.

Enjoy with a cup of coffee or that ½ cup leftover tea!

Store: If you store them in a cool, dry space, they’ll last up to three days. If you store them in the refrigerator, they can last up to one week.

Note: These muffins are vegan-friendly. You could add ½ cup oatmeal and ½ cup yogurt for a different variation, but they would be vegetarian friendly with that change.

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